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Forums/ Deco
2021-02-05 13:14:26
Re:Using a Range Extender with DECO?
Hi I tested all of those instructions and none are working. the 860RE keeps having the green Wifi signal flashing during the WPS process... One thing I noticed on the deco app is that at some point...
Forums/ Deco
2020-03-16 12:55:47
Re:Using a Range Extender with DECO?
@ragnakore Hi I have a deco M5 wifi network with 3 units (working just fine and all units with latest 1.4.2 firmware) I also found an old Tplink Range extender WA860RE (V1 hardware but latest...
Forums/ Deco
2020-03-10 16:47:56
Re:【Problem Solved】Fixed the issues after upgrading to firmware 1.4.0 of Deco M5
@willynanita Hi, I had same issue as all my 3 M5 devices were all running 1.3.x out of the box. I could only update the master device to 1.4.2 through the normal mobile app process Someone confirmed...
Forums/ Deco
2020-01-17 12:34:07
Re:【Problem Solved】Fixed the issues after upgrading to firmware 1.4.0 of Deco M5
@Kevin_Z Hi, I just dowloaded the 1.4.2 beta firmware and tried to upload it from web UI. after clicking on Upgrade button, I can see the file transfer at bottom left of browser and finally a chip...