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Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Why are those the default Deco X10 DHCP settings?
Hello, I've connected the Deco X10 to my ISP's modem/router, which has the address and DHCP set to - and subnet mask The Deco operates in router...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2020-10-27 14:02:20
Re:Question about upgrading to NC250 firmware 1.3.4
@kcenani Upgrading to 1.3.4 from the tpCamera app works. It would be great to be able to upgrade from the camera's web interface, too. That's all.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2020-10-20 18:38:01
Re:Question about upgrading to NC250 firmware 1.3.4
@Brook I don't know where did you find those links but thanks for providing them. Maybe 1.3.4 becomes available in the future.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2020-10-17 08:37:29
Question about upgrading to NC250 firmware 1.3.4
Hello, My camera is NC250 V1 with firmware 1.3.0. I am using the tpCamera Android app which says there is a new firmware version 1.3.4. I tried to upgrade from the app without success. Is firmware...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2019-11-25 18:30:48
Thank you TP-LINK!
Hello, More often than not we read posts of complaints about the tp-link cameras. Well, in this thread I would like to express my gratitude to tp-link and say thank you for the NC class cameras. My...