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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-10-05 18:44:08
Re:Temperature Monitoring Feature for OC200 and ER605 v2
@ceejaybassist Lol they dont even have local DNS resolution for .lan hostnames in their "business class" router products. Something that my $30 off the shelf router has. I wouldnt hold my breath on...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2019-09-11 13:13:46
Re:HS210 Wiring (Using only 1 HS210) - Stumped
@Kevin_Z Im installing the smart switch in a 3-gang box with 2 other switches controlling other lights. These are all on the same breaker. Would I be able to tap into a live wire (neutral) from one...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2019-09-06 13:59:27
Re:HS210 Wiring (Using only 1 HS210) - Stumped
Here is how the dumb switches are wired (both have the same wiring configuration) and both dumb switches can independantly control the state of the lights.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2019-09-06 13:58:43
HS210 Wiring (Using only 1 HS210) - Stumped
Ive been trying to setup the HS210 replacing only 1 of the dumb switches with an HS210. Ive seen many success reports about this an the TP link app seems to support it as well. So I've been trying to...