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Forums/ Adapters
2019-08-14 08:15:41
Re:Archer T4U cannot show 5Ghz Wifi on PC
I had solve my problem by Change Router Channel to 36 , now everthing work find . Thank Kevin
Forums/ Adapters
2019-08-14 07:00:25
Re:Re:Archer T4U cannot show 5Ghz Wifi on PC
Dear Kevin , Thanks for your reply, i cant detect any other 5GHz network with the Archer T4U because dont have any other 5Ghz Router nearby . i had try to change the wireless settings of the 5GHz on...
Forums/ Adapters
2019-08-13 18:00:05
Archer T4U cannot show 5Ghz Wifi on PC
Hello Guys, I Had a problem like this : I have a Wifi Router ( support 2.4 and 5 Ghz ) I bought a Archer T4U and already update driver (Archer T4U(USEU)_V3_181023_Win) - I also try to uninstall...