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Forums/ Deco
2023-12-29 10:42:32
Re:Frequent 6 hz connection drops
@David-TP Hi thank you for the info. I'm updating the firmware and will update quest 3 firmware. I'm off now for a week and will test when i'm back and give you an update. What the overall speed and...
Forums/ Deco
2023-12-29 06:47:15
Re:Frequent 6 hz connection drops
@David-TP Hi, I might have it on other devices but as I'm using my game PC to run and render the game the effect is very visual als I'm kicked out of the game and need to reconnect to the game PC....
Forums/ Deco
2023-12-28 14:22:54
Frequent 6 hz connection drops
Hi, When I use the quest 3 via my deco mesh I have frequent connection loss. Happens multiple times per day. When it happens the 6 hz ssid is gone, the light is still green and I see the other...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-06-28 16:35:07
Re:Re:Re:Re:intranet speed 25Mbit/S
Hi, Wireless negotiation speed for the mac =1,3 Gbps, phone = 65 Mbps, tablet = 866Mbps. Iperf test between phone and mac is 30Mbps and thus normal (phone limits) between tablet and mac I would...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-06-26 18:06:52
Re:Re:intranet speed 25Mbit/S
Hi Kevin, I had the smart connection enabled and tested between phone, tablet, gaming pc and macbookpro all were arround 20-30 Mbps I switched the iperf server arround. I tested a file transfer...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2019-06-25 20:50:11
intranet speed 25Mbit/S
HI all, My internet speed is normal, the amount specified by the isp. But my intranet speed is lower then I expected. I have run some Iperf tests on various machines and always get a result arround...