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Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-02-21 18:16:39
Re:Turn off wifi for the extended signal
Thanks for a great post. Today was the first time after the purchase that I logged in the device again. I did a firmware upgrade, and also searched Google again for the "turn off wireless" problem....
Forums/ Range Extenders
2019-03-03 13:07:04
Re:Turn off wifi for the extended signal
What do you mean with "please work" and then an empty quote? /Söder
Forums/ Range Extenders
2019-03-02 15:21:11
Turn off wifi for the extended signal
I just bought a TL-WA850RE to get ethernet in a room. I do NOT want the TL-WA850RE to be a wifi extender, since I don't want it to interrupt my Ubiquiti network. I saw a video on youtube over the...