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Forums/ Range Extenders
2019-01-23 23:22:00
Re:Connect RE 305 via Ethernet to extend my wifi signal
Great. Thanks. It is working now. I connected the wire and logged in to console using the IP Addrss, changed the wifi details. Now I am set, room 3 has full wifi. Thank you so much.
Forums/ Range Extenders
2019-01-23 10:01:41
Re:Re:Connect RE 305 via Ethernet to extend my wifi signal
How about change the wifi names, how do I do that? So you are saying not to setup anything Just connect the cable and log into the console using http://ipaddress? right?
Forums/ Range Extenders
2019-01-23 05:17:54
Connect RE 305 via Ethernet to extend my wifi signal
Hi, I have my main router in Room 1. My room 3 doesn't get good wifi signal from room 1. So I bought RE 305 wifi extender. I have also wired room 1 to Room 3 with Ethernet. Question is can I connect...