Kasa Smart Plugs
2019-08-22 05:04:11
Updated on Mar 25, 2019 The issues with Alexa and Google have been solved. If problems persist, unlink the TP-Link skill in the respective app, and relink it. I am having the problem again in August...
Kasa Smart Plugs
2019-08-22 05:00:20
Please note that with the more recent versions of the Home app, you must totally unlink the TP-Link Kasa account; you cannot remove individual devices from Google Home. Kevin SG wrote If remote...
Kasa Smart Plugs
2019-08-22 04:56:13
I have 10 smart plugs: HS105 and HS110. I can reliably turn them off and on using the Kasa app and using Alexa devices. But for some reason Google Home / Google Assistant stopped working after months...