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Forums/ Deco
2024-05-09 12:54:44
Re:TP-link please assist: parental control is incorrectly blocking child's Rooster Money app
TPlink use Trend Micro's database for content filtering/categorisation. If your issue is as simple as the kids website being mis classified, you can go to Trend's website and request a manual review...
Forums/ Deco
2021-01-08 09:36:36
Re:Very low download speed on laptop, very high speed on iphone...?
@MikkelDK Were you able to confirm that it was the relaying process that is the culprit by the method I suggested? Until you’ve eliminated other variables it could still be something wrong with the...
Forums/ Deco
2021-01-08 02:30:29
Re:Very low download speed on laptop, very high speed on iphone...?
@MikkelDK Ok, to be clear here: As you suspected, the speed test in the Deco app runs from the Master Deco , not from the Phone. This implies that the slowdown is occurring in the relay process...
Forums/ Deco
2020-09-24 00:12:50
Re:Wifi security WPA2 AES missing in Deco M9 Plus?
@TalTik Just to make it clear - as has been stated in this thread a few times, the Deco system supports WPA2 (AES) and always has. The issue is that you cannot turn off the support for WPA (TKIP)....
Forums/ Deco
2020-08-11 12:47:07
Re:iOS14 and iPadOS14 WiFi - Private Address setting circumvents parental controls and possibly QOS
@TP-Link_Deco A very useful way to address this would be to provide a way to have a default filtering category for new devices (before another is assigned). This would enable a secure by default, and...
Forums/ Deco
2020-02-05 12:03:25
Re:Deco M9 Plus MAC adress for public IP
@Jannek999 From the website photos there are 2 Ethernet ports on the M9, like the M5. In which case you probably have the MAC address from the other one. Swap the cable over and see if that works....