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Forums/ Routers
2017-11-30 04:44:09
Re:TL-ER6120 - Bandwidth Control does not work
This is a forum about tp-link, or about ko/mo/kbps/mbps conversion? LOOL :D We buy an ER6020-V1 and it works well! I am convinced that there is a BUG on the ER6120-V2 Can someone from TP-LINK check...
Forums/ Routers
2017-11-27 23:19:54
Re:TL-ER6120 - Bandwidth Control does not work
Hibixa wrote Sorry I don't know the ko/s. But if 1372ko/s=10976Mbps, which means 1372ko/s=1372MBps. As I l know, the ER6120 V2 NAT throughput is only 800Mbps, how can it be? Sory for the data rate...
Forums/ Routers
2017-11-24 00:12:52
Re:TL-ER6120 - Bandwidth Control does not work
1372ko/s = 10,976 Mbps and I set to the limit to 1000Kbps another test, I set the limit to 100 and i dowload to 2.1Mo/s [ATTACH=CONFIG]0[/ATTACH] I think the TL-ER6120 V2 does not work while the V1...
Forums/ Routers
2017-11-22 18:13:12
Re:TL-ER6120 - Bandwidth Control does not work
any news?
Forums/ Routers
2017-11-09 18:57:51
Re:TL-ER6120 - Bandwidth Control does not work
Hello, We have a Wan 1 line at 10 Mbps via optical fiber and a Wan 2 line at 20 Mbps via optical fiber. Cf screenshot: Whatever the bandwidth control rule implemented, I can not limit my speed Cf...
Forums/ Routers
2017-11-09 05:40:42
TL-ER6120 - Bandwidth Control does not work
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : Hardware Version: TL-ER6120 v2.0 Firmware Version: 2.0.0 Build 20170406 Rel.40005 Hello, I just bought a TL-ER6120 router and the Bandwidth Control...