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Forums/ Deco
Re:I have changed e-mail and mobile phone and cannot connect the app to my existing Deco M5 network
The e-mail was ulf broman (at) bredband net with of course dots between the words.
Forums/ Deco
Re:I have changed e-mail and mobile phone and cannot connect the app to my existing Deco M5 network
Thanks! No, I have no access to the old e-mail account. So, I could not request a new password, since that would have been sent to the old e-mail. Is there any help that i give you the value of the...
Forums/ Deco
I have changed e-mail and mobile phone and cannot connect the app to my existing Deco M5 network
My Deco M5 is perhaps 5 years old, and has been working perfect all the time. Now I want to investigate if my Chromecast connects to the network. But, my new phone did not have the Deco app...