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Forums/ Deco
Re:Connecting my PC with Ethernet cable using deco pod ?
@Alexandre. So just to be clear, the x50 AX3000 can do Wireless Bridge mode in AP mode ? I was hoping to get just an adapter wifi to ethernet without the extender option just to save money. I dont...
Forums/ Deco
Re:Connecting my PC with Ethernet cable using deco pod ?
@Alexandre. If you were thinking MoCa , it's a no go sadly. There's no coaxial cable near my optic fiber modem. It's like in a remote weird closest where they brought up the fiber for all the condos...
Forums/ Deco
Connecting my PC with Ethernet cable using deco pod ?
Hi ! Kinda struggling here and fairly new with the whole mesh system. My PC has a terrible built in wifi chipset and I went from cable internet to optic fiber. The cable box was next to my PC so...