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Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Bufferbloat + Abnormal WAN port speed
@richb-hanover Hi! Yesterday, I was experimenting with the settings and enabled QoS again. The last time I turned it on, it made things worse for some reason, but this time, it completely eliminated...
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Bufferbloat + Abnormal WAN port speed
@David-TP Hi, thanks for your reply. Is the mobile phone connected to the 6GHz Wi-Fi band? No, it's connected to the 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks. I'm not sure why the 6GHz network isn't available for...
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Bufferbloat + Abnormal WAN port speed
I have been experiencing speed issues with online games and ran some bufferbloat tests on My results vary from D to A, but they are mostly D. Strangely, when I test on my phone, I get a...