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Forums/ WiFi
a week ago
Re:EAP653 clients lose internet connectivity multiple times per day for up to 60 seconds
@CS2 I'll clarify the fix that worked for me and is keeping my APs from dropping Internet repeatedly. You essentially need to undo all of the radio customizations that WLAN Optimization did to your...
Forums/ WiFi
a week ago
Re:Frequently no internet whilst connected to WiFi
@Siddler See my reply in another thread to see how I solved similar issues. Let me know if it works for you.
Forums/ WiFi
a week ago
Re:EAP653 clients lose internet connectivity multiple times per day for up to 60 seconds
@slinksx Yes, what I did seems to have completely resolved the problem. I went from having wifi internet drops every ~10 minutes to none for days. And roaming is working well. Hope it works for you....
Forums/ WiFi
a week ago
Re:EAP653 clients lose internet connectivity multiple times per day for up to 60 seconds
@slinksx Very similar symptoms from a different setup - two EAP670s into an ER707-M2. My wireless devices lose internet access frequently, staying connected to the AP, then regain access after 30-60...