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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
a week ago
Re:D235 power issue - it discharges even when hardwired
@stuntstefan212 Hi, I wrote different times with the support to clearify the problem. It seems to be an hardware failure of my D235. If all goes smoothly, I get an Replace Part from TP-Link. Then I...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
3 weeks ago
Re:D235 power issue - it discharges even when hardwired
@Wayne-TP The Type of switching powersupply is: Meanwell DR-30-15 with Output: 15V/2A The AC-Transformer was an adjustable Security isolating Transformer only for test purposes. Caption You can see...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
3 weeks ago
D235 power issue - it discharges even when hardwired
I have the problem that the D235 Videodoorbell discharges to Zero even when it´s hardwired. The Supply is a 15V/1.1V Meanwell Switching Power Supply. The Power-Supply is directly connected to the...