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Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
3 weeks ago
Re:M7350 - Updating firmware to M7350(EU)_V5_200330 or to M7350(EU)_V5_201019
@Marvin_S Thank you for the reply, much appreciated. The article you pointed me to made me realize that there is a ZIP file inside a ZIP file. So one needs to upload the ZIP file inside the ZIP file...
Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
3 weeks ago
M7350 - Updating firmware to M7350(EU)_V5_200330 or to M7350(EU)_V5_201019
Hello, I have a TP LInk M7350 4G LTE (EU) with hardware version 5.0 that I would like to update, as I have some power setting issues with it and I see that one of the updates is trying to fix this....