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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Archer VX1800v with re505x
I did as you told me. I put the extender next to the router, almost at zero distance. The percentage still does not exceed 70 percent.
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Archer VX1800v with re505x
What is half-duplex? Is it an option that can be disabled? Excuse me, I am new to this field
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2 weeks ago
Re:Archer VX1800v with re505x
Thanks for the reply But as I told you When I return the old vr400 modem I get full speed With the same extender Are there any special settings for the vx1800v?
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2 weeks ago
Archer VX1800v with re505x
Hi Excuse me my English is weak I have a vx1800v router And a re505x range extender My internet speed is 100 megabytes per second The router gives me a speed of 98 The extender does not exceed 65...