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Forums/ Deco
2025-02-09 12:27:51
Re:Deco X50-5G - looking for external antenna
@erdnuss also, just a dumb question. Did you disable the internal antennas in the UI? (sorry to ask, no insult intended 😂)
Forums/ Deco
2025-02-09 12:26:54
Re:Deco X50-5G - looking for external antenna
@erdnuss maybe the connectors? Or the cable? Did you add additional connectors or cable length to the antenna? From my RF days I know that adding more cable creates Stationary waves, cable needs (or...
Forums/ Deco
2025-02-09 10:31:25
Re:Deco X50-5G - looking for external antenna
@erdnuss my device is in the basement. Without the external antenna I get 0 signal, with the antenna I get between 12 to 15 dbm Snr which is excellent. In my case the one antenna works, but that is...
Forums/ Deco
2025-02-06 12:56:08
Re:Deco X50-5G_V1_1.2.0 with IoT and CPU Optimization
@juhovh I bricked my v1 x50-5g simply by updating its firmware and had to go through the support team to get a replacement HW. Once I received the replacement, also a v1, I left it with the factory...
Forums/ Deco
2025-02-06 12:46:06
Re:Deco X50-5G - looking for external antenna I have used this one for 15 months and cannot complain. I must also say, that now that I have finally had fiber installed, I am saying goodbye to 5G. I am thankful for the...