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Forums/ Gateways
2025-01-22 15:58:27
Re:Remove fixed IP from disconnected clients
@D-C It’s the same situation with option #2—there’s no Known Clients tab under Insights. It’s honestly baffling that such a basic feature seems to be missing. I’m getting pretty fed up with Festa at...
Forums/ Gateways
2025-01-22 15:12:17
Re:Remove fixed IP from disconnected clients
@D-C Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, I don’t have a DHCP Reservation tab under Settings -> DHCP Reservation (Under Services).
Forums/ Gateways
2025-01-22 04:34:30
Remove fixed IP from disconnected clients
Does anyone know how to remove a fixed IPv4 address from disconnected clients? I’m using the cloud controller. Thanks!