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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Archer AX53 & AX58 V1 Supports EasyMesh Ethernet Backhaul, WireGuard VPN, IoT Network, and More
Hey @woozle and thank you for the reply ! To be honest I've tested many settings, including with DNS enabled and disabled. During my last tries, I left it enabled. I've also tested with different...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Archer AX53 & AX58 V1 Supports EasyMesh Ethernet Backhaul, WireGuard VPN, IoT Network, and More
Hello ! @Kevin_Z Did the Wireguard Server feature got tested for AX53 V1 ? I have a very weird behavior when I try to setup the Wireguard server. Indeed, after the usual easy configuration and the...