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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:Archer C24 (ME) v1.0 firmware Not Upgrading always failed
But it dont have Pakistan channels Of 5Ghz Channals 149 , 153 157 161 165 i want there channels . can you help me to Remove or Downgrade firmware ?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
3 weeks ago
Re:Archer C24 (ME) v1.0 firmware Not Upgrading always failed
its ( ME) V1
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
3 weeks ago
Archer C24 (ME) v1.0 firmware Not Upgrading always failed
Tags: #Firmware Upgrade Model: Archer C24 Hardware Version: V1 Firmware Version: 1.12.0 Build 230109 Rel.37538n(5553) Can anyone help me? its does Not have Channals 5Ghz these Channals 149 , 153 157...