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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2025-01-13 14:09:07
Re:Can I connect the VR600V (AC1600) to optical fibre modem like the Telekom Modem in Germany?
@Didi_dk Dear Marvin, thank you for the reply. I am not sure If understand correctly. Your answer means that it is possible to connect the VR600V to the fibre net modem. As you said as wireless...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
2025-01-10 11:51:40
Can I connect the VR600V (AC1600) to optical fibre modem like the Telekom Modem in Germany?
Kann ich den Router an das Telekom Glasfasermodem (über Lan-Kabel) anschließen, oder ist er nicht kompatibel mit Glasfaser? Can I connect the router to optical fibre modem (via LAN cable) like...