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Forums/ Routers
20 hours ago
Re:Logging of Blocked Websites
@RaRu Thanks for the info! I dont have the MSP mode option (not sure I would do it anyway). Hopefully a future FW release will add/fix this. It seems like a basic request to monitor an ACL rule so...
Forums/ Routers
20 hours ago
Re:Logging of Blocked Websites
@Clive_A Thanks for the idea. Not looking at doing DPI since the overhead on the WAN performance is too much. When DPI is enabled, my speed tests drop from 930Mbps to ~300Mbps. My main issue is just...
Forums/ Routers
Re:DHCP Static reservations are no longer working
@Matva I'm seeing something similar…I have 1 apple TV device on the network that’s requesting DHCP every second. It’s filling up the logs…I tried using a DHCP reservation from the controller and also...
Forums/ Routers
Logging of Blocked Websites
I could not find a post on this here, so looking for some help. My setup: ER7206 v2 (latest stable version) OC200 Controller (latest stable version) Syslog server also setup and working correctly...