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Forums/ Controllers
2024-12-21 12:27:57
Re:Connection failed. Please refresh your browser and try again.
No it's working. Only change I made is remove a setting for NTP setup and back to auto. After saving and few minutes, Controller was back in android app and cloud access
Forums/ Controllers
2024-12-21 12:26:09
Re:OC200 - cannot access my controller via cloud
Hi @Happy_x50 , It's working now. By investigating, i saw a setup i've made for NTP. I swith it to auto and save. Now it's working. Only change i've made so i supposed connexion failed because bad...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-12-21 12:22:25
Re:OC200 - cannot access my controller via cloud
Hi @Happy_x50 Same issue here, same oc200 model / version. Only Local connection (through oc200 ip) is working.
Forums/ Controllers
2024-12-21 12:15:53
Re:Connection failed. Please refresh your browser and try again.
@Andrewspan Hello all, i've same issue, device is cloud connected, i can connect locally but no more from the android app nor the web. I've reboot my router ER605 v1.0 1.3.1 controller is connected...