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Forums/ Controllers
7 hours ago
Re:The SSID "TPC 5G, TPC 5G Terasse" is illegal and will be deleted.
@Vincent-TP @TPComputer Hi Vincent, here is my Devices Page And here is the SSID Page. I create a new WLAN group and copy all SSIDs from the default group. When I do this, the message "The SSID "TPC...
Forums/ Controllers
22 hours ago
The SSID "TPC 5G, TPC 5G Terasse" is illegal and will be deleted.
Hi all, I want to create a new WLAN group (WLAN Group: Create new Group) and copy all SSIDs from the default group. When I do this, the message "The SSID "TPC 5G, TPC 5G Terasse" is illegal and will...