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Forums/ Adapters
2024-12-11 18:34:49
Re:Is this driver version is normal?
@woozle guess that's all for TXE50UH driver related to my region. Thanks for replying and the solutions.
Forums/ Adapters
2024-12-11 07:41:13
Re:Is this driver version is normal?
@woozl this is the driver version installed for my region using that mini CD drive included. e
Forums/ Adapters
2024-12-10 18:39:24
Is this driver version is normal?
I am using CD driver that provided inside the box when install into windows 10 OS. is this TP link driver is OK? I mean, the options are not as many as my other TP link usb adapter (eg: TX20U or...
Forums/ Adapters
2024-12-10 14:18:36
How to check warranty
i just bought this device and received today. but i dont see anywhere online in TP Link website to register warranty of the product.