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Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco S7 QoS not working
@Marvin_S “Today, I shared the system log. I don’t experience any ping issues while gaming. However, there aren’t many devices on my network. I will probably face issues when there’s a download or...
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Deco S7 QoS not working
@Marvin_S “When I set an 80 Mbps speed limit for QoS, the devices I prioritize for QoS use all the bandwidth during downloads. When I send a steady ping and start a download, the download consumes...
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Deco S7 QoS not working
@Marvin_S “Yesterday, while playing an online game, whenever someone else connected to the network, all the bandwidth was prioritized for them, causing packet loss in the game. There were also sudden...
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Deco S7 QoS not working
Deco S7 QoS not working ? I recently purchased a new Deco S7 router. Previously, I was using the M4 version. However, when I configure QoS on the S7, it doesn’t work properly. With the old M4, I...