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Forums/ Deco
2025-01-30 23:56:09
Re:Deco X50-5G stuck in blinking blue/cyan
@kblee_SG I had pressed the reset button one too many times. Flashing blue/cyan indicate it's ready for configuration, but I didn't know how to approach it. Later I realize I had to use the deco app,...
Forums/ Deco
2025-01-30 03:27:47
Deco X50-5G stuck in blinking blue/cyan
Deco X50-5G was updated to the latest beta v1.2.0: x50-5g-SP1-whole-up-beta-ver1-2-0-P1[20241230-rel33540]_2024-12-31_10.03.32 It had worked well for the last couple of weeks. Then occasionally a...
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-18 10:53:08
Re:Deco X50-5G v1.2.0
I'm happy to report v1.2.1 has fixed the stability problem. It's been 6h running flawlessly. Previous v1.2.0 would crash in less than 2h. CPU usage is now normal. IoT network is also visible. Thanks...
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-10 04:48:45
Re:Deco X50-5G v1.2.0
@David-TP , thank you for the response. David-TP wrote @kblee_SG Hi, Thank you very much for the feedback. May I know who is your SIM Operator? -> SIMBA from Singapore, It's supposed to be 5G, but...
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-09 06:24:27
Deco X50-5G v1.2.0
When I toggle on IoT network, I can't find it, using wifi analyzer app. It's as if it's hidden, or I am supposed to be able to see this IoT network, besides the Main and Guest network ? Also, the...