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Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2024-12-11 16:19:38
Re:TL-WPA7517 KIT Adaptador Powerline C/ Problemas de Internet
@Joseph-TP Good afternoon First of all, thank you for your attention and help. From yesterday to today you've been better than I thought, it's strange, there are times like this. But one day I'll try...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2024-12-07 15:22:24
TL-WPA7517 KIT Adaptador Powerline C/ Problemas de Internet
Boa tarde Tenho tido problemas na internet por causa de TL-WPA7517 Kit, já reiniciei, desliguei, fiz também o reinício na caixa de operadora, nestes últimos dias tem estado assim. Com travagens, por...