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Forums/ Adapters
2024-12-05 03:31:44
Re:My adapter does not work
@Marvin_S Hi, thanks for your reply. I followed the steps you mentioned but the problem persists. I'm attaching a picture of what the Network Adapters device looks like, it's the only one that has...
Forums/ Adapters
2024-12-05 00:53:30
My adapter does not work
When I plug in my adapter, no matter which USB port I plug it into, it won't turn on. I have rebooted my PC numerous times, uninstalled and installed the driver 2 times and still can't get it to turn...
Forums/ Adapters
2024-12-04 23:48:40
Mi adaptador no enciende al conectarlo
Al conectar mi adaptador, independientemente de a qué puerto USB lo haga, este no enciende. Reinicie mi PC numerosas veces, desinstalé e instalé el controlador 2 veces y no logro que prenda. El...