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Forums/ Deco
2024-12-06 15:12:03
deco x50 - Wi-Fi access control not present in settings
I bought the X50 to have access to the MAC whitelist - allow list mode. After the initial setup, when I change Block list mode to Allow list mode, the Wi-Fi access control item disappears from the...
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-02 09:06:28
Re:Deco S7 Wi-Fi Access Control MAC Filtering
@Marvin_S Hi, thank you for your reply. Ok, understud, now iam thinking of buying an additional Deco X50, making it the main router, and using the S7 units as satellites. In that case, I should be...
Forums/ Deco
2024-12-01 14:05:03
Deco S7 Wi-Fi Access Control MAC Filtering
I bought this unit and can't find MAC filtering – does this unit not support it? Are we waiting for a new firmware? Which similarly priced Deco units already support this feature?