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Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2024-11-28 16:38:21
Re:New set of PA7017 failing to work as expected
Thank you, @Joseph-TP
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2024-11-28 07:14:37
Re:New set of PA7017 failing to work as expected
Dear @Joseph-TP First off, thank you for the detailed and professional answer. I am sorry if my initial frustration led to a somewhat emotional post :) Once again, detailed description of case....
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2024-11-27 14:32:55
New set of PA7017 failing to work as expected
Recently purchased a brand new set of PA7017. Substituted a perfectly working set of PA4020P's. Connection now is really bad, slow, terminating every half and hour. The trace lenght is about 40...