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Forums/ Safestream Routers
2024-12-22 11:44:58
Re:configuration routeur mutliwan r480t+
@benoit_berdoux hello everyone, last little quesiton the multi wan configuration works perfectly download on 2 isps at the same time, perfect but................. do streaming upload with a big speed...
Forums/ Safestream Routers
2024-11-27 18:59:48
Re:configuration routeur mutliwan r480t+
@benoit_berdoux many thanks for your help indeed i know basic network management, it was just the multiwan part and the ISP aggregation that i don't master :)
Forums/ Safestream Routers
2024-11-26 14:55:42
configuration routeur mutliwan r480t+
bonjours, je dois installer pour un client le matérie suivant: 1x routeur r480t+ 2x modems flightbox 4G ORANGE connectés sur 2 ports wan le client demande si c'est possible d'additionner les 2 bandes...