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Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuum
2024-11-16 06:18:02
Re:Side brush failure of sweeping robot
@Chong909090 Thanks a lot for all the info. It really helped me out. I hope everything goes well for you too. Appreciate it!
Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuum
2024-11-16 02:10:48
Re:Side brush failure of sweeping robot
@Chong909090 I did email them two days ago, but like you said, no reply. So sad... It was a gift from a friend and shipped from Lazada, but I'm not sure if it's from the flagship store. I'll ask him....
Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuum
2024-11-16 01:19:30
Re:Side brush failure of sweeping robot
@Chong909090 Hi Chong, I'm having the same issue with my RV10. It's only a month old, and the side brush keeps getting stuck. I've tried everything they suggested, including removing the brush, but I...