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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-12-05 05:11:29
Re:the satellite router cannot recognize USB storage when inserted
Referencing the topic below: After I tried upgrading to the beta firmware, it turned out that the satellite router could now recognize USB...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-12-05 04:50:29
the satellite router cannot recognize USB storage when inserted
I have two routers, both Archer BE230 models, connected via EasyMesh. The first router is set as the main router, and the second is set as the satellite router. Both routers can manage USB storage...
Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2024-11-13 08:38:07
"Reboot Schedule" feature in the Satellite Router Mode GUI for the TP-Link Archer BE230.
We would like to have a "Reboot Schedule" feature in the Satellite Router Mode GUI for the TP-Link Archer BE230.