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Forums/ Feature Request (Extenders)
2024-11-01 10:30:48
Re:MAC address lock feature. RE315 wont stay at one network.
@Sunshine This is must for a range extender rather than normal routers, in which i found a few of tplink routers supporting this feature, when it should be other way around. Poor decisions taken. Fix...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2024-10-30 11:29:21
RE315 logic needs to be fixed
When it comes to same ssid and password networks, doesnt fix on one network. The logic requires it to be locked to only one. Provide such user ability in webpage in next firmware. Even if I try to...
Forums/ Feature Request (Extenders)
2024-10-30 11:23:51
MAC address lock feature. RE315 wont stay at one network.
Among networks of same ssid and passphrase, RE315 hops from one to another. doesnt stay on one. Implement locking to AP mac address.