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Forums/ Access Points
2024-12-12 09:12:07
Re:TL-WA3001 Supports EasyMesh, Speed Limit, Guest Network in AP Mode
@Kevin_Z Re the comment above about the guest network I updated my FW as well and tested the guest network, my router is a mikrotik Hex S, and I saw that devices on the guest network could not ping...
Forums/ Access Points
2024-10-29 14:16:18
Re:TL-WA3001 Supports EasyMesh, Speed Limit, Guest Network in AP Mode
@Kevin_Z Two questions 1) if there is planned support for easymesh on the WA3001, why doesn't it appear on the list of supported devices as "planned", there isn't even a category for access points 2)...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-10-27 09:07:03
Re:EasyMesh Routers Support Building a EasyMesh Network via Ethernet Backhaul NOW
@Kevin_Z I saw that there is beta FW that gives the TL WA3001 easymesh capabilities. Three questions 1) why doesn't it appear on the list above as "planned", there isn't even a category for access...
Forums/ Access Points
2024-10-27 04:25:58
Re:TL-WA3001 Supports EasyMesh, Speed Limit, Guest Network in AP Mode
@Kevin_Z Does this FW update allowed Ethernet backhaul on the TL WA3001? I am interested in topo 3 of this Article