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Forums/ Routers
2024-12-25 10:43:32
Re:Standalone er707-m2 URL Fittering exceeded the limit
Hi @Clive_A thanks for the feedback. alright will read about dpi.
Forums/ Routers
2024-12-25 06:24:11
Standalone er707-m2 URL Fittering exceeded the limit
Good day everyone! happy holiday Just a question, how do I solve this ? So I found a list of URL to block in my device. it consist of 400k-500k rows. and 1 file is around 10,000 kb. source github:...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-10-22 02:52:50
Archer BE230 Wifi 7 Maximum number of devices can connect
Good day everyone ! Quick question, Maximum number of devices can connect Archer BE230 ? can 80-90 mix devices, Laptop and mobile phones in a single floor area be connected without having issues ?...