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Forums/ WiFi
20 hours ago
Re:eap 225 showing as disconnected on OC 200 and losing connection constantly
@Vincent-TP Thanks Vincent. Hope it arrives soon :)
Forums/ WiFi
20 hours ago
Re:EAP225 keeps disconnecting
@Vincent-TP I can confirm this work. Downgraded three EAP225 months ago and got no more problems. Recently got confirmation in another thread that V3 HW will get upgrade fixing memory overflow too....
Forums/ WiFi
Re:EAP225 keeps disconnecting
@Vincent-TP where is the update for HW 3.0? Will it be added too?
Forums/ WiFi
Re:eap 225 showing as disconnected on OC 200 and losing connection constantly
This isssue was suposed to be fixed. Its memory overflow. I am still refreshing my browser but TP LINK gave up on HW 3.0
Forums/ WiFi
a week ago
Re:Both EAP225 stop working, every week or so
I got three EAP 225 HW Version 3.0. Unfortuntely despite reading on this forum that new firmware that will fix the memory overflow issue is coming in february. It did not come... Its March now....
Forums/ WiFi
2024-10-18 15:28:33
Re:The controller loses connection with the access point.
@Annihilator Hi today - something that never happened occurd. One of my three EAP225 ( EAP225(EU) v3.0 ) had kept getting its memory constantly filled up till 100% level. then it become unresponsive....