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Forums/ Controllers
2024-09-03 09:27:36
Re:TP-LINK is removing OpenAPI and RADIUS in OC200 v5.15
@Tedd404 "you purchase like a pro but don't sound like a pro" Any pro that is affected by this involuntairy, barely pre-announced feature regression on an existing implementation would ditch the...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-09-02 10:54:36
Re:OMADA 5.15 Radius deprecation
@Tyrade Yes exactly this. And what's going to be next on the chopping block?
Forums/ Controllers
2024-09-02 10:44:34
Re:TP-LINK is removing OpenAPI and RADIUS in OC200 v5.15
@Hank21 Making these choices for your customers is bad, I prefer not getting new features over existing things breaking. What's next on the chopping block and where does this stop? If you insist on...