Tapo Robot Vacuum
2025-01-11 22:03:07
@JessRV30 I had this problem when I first got my RV20 and the reason it was backing up on a slight angle was because of the weave of my carpet. I ended up getting some thin wood (mdf or ply) and...
Tapo Robot Vacuum
2024-08-07 18:59:46
@Wayne-TP Thank you Wayne. Looking back at the page for the RV20 I now see room based commands are available on Alexa, does that mean they may be coming to Google Assistant in the future?
Tapo Robot Vacuum
2024-08-06 06:18:18
I have an RV20 setup up in Google home, I can see it in the home app however saying "ask tapo to vacuum the lounge" results in Google saying "sorry it looks like this device hasn't been set up yet"....