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Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-12-27 12:53:37
Re:C225 Digital Zoom
Hey! Thanks for the prompt reply... well not really my intention as the zoom in only support the application viewport and not 1) scene setting 2) scene parameters optimization (e.g contrast with...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-12-22 13:41:56
C225 Digital Zoom
Hello, is there an option to add digital zoom to this camera just like the C520WS? Kind regards, Ank
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2014-10-05 17:12:52
Re:Archer C7 v2 web management problem after firmware update
funny, you have to be doing something wrong... It worked multiple times for me.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2014-10-04 23:27:12
Re:Archer C7 v2 web management problem after firmware update
10sec is fairly enough for TPLink ;)
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2014-10-04 18:36:02
Re:Archer C7 v2 web management problem after firmware update
hold reset for 10 seconds to default it...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2014-10-04 06:00:21
Re:Archer C7 v2 web management problem after firmware update
Same here, after loosing the ability to log in (not 80 mgmgt port) I reverted my C7v1 to the 140704 FW ;)