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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2 weeks ago
RE:Feature Request: Client Latency Test Option
This would be useful in troubleshooting user experience issues.
Forums/ Controllers
2024-10-11 14:37:24
Re:Issue with "Show Internet Traffic" Option in Topology Section of Omada Controller
@Babun-Sikder I would like to see netflow traffic in the topology map, this will highlight what is using the internet bandwidth, ubiquiti already has this it would be nice to see.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-04-18 20:37:55
RE:animated wifi speed from Omada client
This would be helpful for traffic trending and spikes in Realtime.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-04-16 19:40:50
Add Wireless Optimization option to the mobile application
After the last update to the oc200 SDN the schedule option is missing for Wireless Optimization, it would be nice to bring this functionality back or add the option to trigger this from the mobile...