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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-12-19 17:16:37
Re:Easymesh roaming problem, no access to satellite router clients
@YuriyB Where did u got Beta firmware? My Wifi Range Decreased after updating to latest version
Forums/ Feature Request (Routers)
2024-11-06 05:38:42
Feature Missing in multiple Model of Routers Like Archer C6, C64, C80, C86
Most recently Released Router Model I mentioned before Missing System Uptime in the admin panel. Uptime can be displayed in system log page. Currently I am using Archer C64 V1.0 and it really...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-07-03 06:36:48
Re:TP Link router release Wan connection after runs around a day
@Marvin_S My original power cord broken around a months ago then I bought a new power adapter as tp link denied to provide warrenty for power adapter. And this is what I am using right now.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-07-01 15:14:01
TP Link router release Wan connection after runs around a day
I am using my router for around four months. I recently started using a ups . As I use FTTH connection so, I need to powerup both router and onu from same UPS. in this case I starts using my router...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-05-07 14:36:39
How to change channel width of guest network
I am facing an abnormal issue in tp link firmware which I discribe in my last thread. I am facing less wifi coverage issue after the update and due to that reason I have to use my 2.4g connection 20...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-04-27 08:56:29
Re:Issues starts after upgrading the firmware.
@terziyski I have tried all these and an d Nothing worked for me at all. Now I am hoping for a new update.if that can fix it. I also saw some other user of Archer C64 faces the same issue in facebook...