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Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco M4/S4_V2 Support Connection Preference
@David-TP Bro Thats a PRE release, not official as the previous post claimed
Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco M4/S4_V2 Support Connection Preference
@ARGamingPK1 Kindly, do you mind sharing a link for the E4 1.7.0 firmware? And please just an actual working download link for " E4 1.7.0 firmware " No need to educate and explain to me in which...
Forums/ Deco
2024-07-11 16:50:01
Re:Deco M4/S4_V2 Support Connection Preference
@David-TP Is there any kind of action that we can do as a whole group (users of M4) to force or press tplink to push the public release firmware ? Say for example mass complaints on the issue to...
Forums/ Deco
2024-06-12 11:15:03
Re:Deco M4/S4_V2 Support Connection Preference
@ Well thats why its called BETA firmware ! Its supposed to have bugs and issues, and in return you are supposed to note down the issues you found to inform the developers about it, so they can fix...
Forums/ Deco
2024-06-07 13:12:25
Re:Deco M4/S4_V2 Support Connection Preference
@Fabio25 Make sure that your cams port forwarding settings are configured correctly.
Forums/ Deco
2024-06-05 13:49:25
Re:Deco M4/S4_V2 Support Connection Preference
@TP-no-Link Couldnt agree with you more ! The addition of the v2 M4 to my network, crippled my otherwise perfect network of M5s and X60s. By crippled am referring to the client " connection...