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Forums/ Feature Requests
3 weeks ago
RE:Tapo App availability on Windows
I cannot believe just how far behind TP Link/Tapo have become in relation to the software of other security camera manufacturers. More people use a windows OS system globally than any other OS. The...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2023-12-19 14:09:28
Re:Tapo camera app for Kindle
@TTTusp TTTusp wrote @Skelly search and find a tapo apk file and install it on the tablet, done, easy peasy Many thanks for this TTTusp.I did go this route already with my Fire HD 10 Tablet and its...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2023-12-17 00:09:11
Tapo camera app for Kindle
Using Alexa,which I abhor, I sometimes get to view my TP Link cameras on my Kindle devices. When I am able to view the cameras output via Alexa the picture quality is grainy and usually pixelated....