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Forums/ Deco
2023-12-21 12:36:27
Re:Wifi 6ghz
@David-TP Hi, last week I was contacted by technical support about setting up a time for remote assistance. They have not since then contacted me. I'd appreciate it if you can help get someone to...
Forums/ Deco
2023-12-11 11:13:03
Re:Wifi 6ghz
@David-TP Yes my S21 ultra is on android 14. I used to use the modem/router from my provider which was Bell, it was the Home Hub 4000/Giga Hub. I do receive an email when you reply. Thank you for all...
Forums/ Deco
2023-12-11 09:10:26
Re:Wifi 6ghz
@David-TP Hi, I have a Samsung Galaxy s21 ultra. I have connect to 6ghz on different routers with no issues. I've tried standing next to the Deco XE75 pro and searching for the 6ghz and it never...
Forums/ Deco
2023-12-09 14:18:34
Wifi 6ghz
Hi, I have two deco xe75pro and a deco x50 in a mesh setup with 1Gbps. A deco xe75pro is setup as the main with 6 ghz wifi for wifi network and backhaul. But I can never get my 6ghz wifi to show. My...