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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-09-21 21:23:27
Please add DuckDNS in the supported Dynamic DNS providers list. Its Free
Please Add the DuckDNS dynamic dns service in your list. Its free and you only need 2 fields to get it running (Hostname and the Generated token)
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-07-31 10:31:25
Re:Make the wireguard peer generator more friendly (QR codes, exports and autogenerating codes)
As of today we still need to use wireguardconfig-com to roll credentials for client devices.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-03-25 12:07:29
Re:Make the wireguard peer generator more friendly (QR codes, exports and autogenerating codes)
As of the latest update wireguard does not require to set an incoming WAN IP or FQDN. That is a good first step in the right direction! For easier config generation right now people can use the...
Forums/ Routers
2023-12-21 09:45:09
Re:Both my and a clients ER605 crash when I connect a 5G router as a second WAN!
Hi @Clive_A Sorry for asking but can you link me to those 2 KB because I cant seem to find them. Thanks in advance.
Forums/ Routers
2023-12-20 10:39:13
Re:Both my and a clients ER605 crash when I connect a 5G router as a second WAN!
Hi @Clive_A and thanks for the answer. The Mikrotik model is the s53ug+m-5haxd2haxd-tc&rg502q-ea (Mikrotik Chateau 5G AX) Here is the current topology with only one WAN (5g) connected. Everything is...
Forums/ Routers
2023-12-20 09:29:37
Re:Both my and a clients ER605 crash when I connect a 5G router as a second WAN!
Hi @Clive_A thanks for the answer and sorry if I am not providing the info you need. Is it ok with you to start with the offline mark on the connected mikrotik router? My client only has one WAN now...