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Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
MR600 WiFI schedule issue
I have scheduled my wifi to turn off at 2:00am and turn back on at 7:00am daily. The problem is I don't need the 2.4GHz and keep it disabled whole day, only the 5GHz wifi is kept enabled. But in the...
Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
2024-06-14 18:01:20
IPv6 passthrough in MR600
Need IPv6 passthrough support in Archer MR600 so that my downstream ER605 can delegate prefix to the connected devices.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-09-03 19:24:36
Re:IPv6 Firewall rules - TL-R605 v1 1.1.1
@paderijk mine is er605 v2 running in standalone mode with 2.2.0 firmware.
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-08-30 14:54:33
Re:IPv6 Firewall rules - TL-R605 v1 1.1.1
@vnan1829 yes ipv6 is working perfectly so far. I have two ISPs in load balancing setup. Getting ipv6 from both ISPs. All my ipv6 enabled LAN clients are also accessing ipv6 sites nicely. However,...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-08-30 14:47:40
Re:IPv6 Firewall rules - TL-R605 v1 1.1.1
@lezz it's a basic allow and block rule, nothing extraordinary
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-07-29 04:42:21
Re:IPv6 Firewall rules - TL-R605 v1 1.1.1
@mhoam No I had to create block rules to hide the ports. If you host any server behind your network or need to access anything from outside then maybe ICMPv6 is required (I said maybe because even I...