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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2 weeks ago
Re:Add local DNS server to ER7206
Hey Clive, will this also come for the ER605 v2? I had a look at the other thread for ER605 but i didnt found if it will come or never. Thanks
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2 weeks ago
RE:Add local DNS server to ER605
local dns would be a great help else i need to put another box up for that
Forums/ Routers
2 weeks ago
DNS lookup from main office to router at branch office
So every traffic is no problem but i cant resolve the hostnames of pc clients on branch offices from the main office. I created a forwarded dns zone in the main branch and pointed it to a router in a...
Forums/ Routers
2023-06-14 10:29:51
Re:Multiple VLANs over Site2Site - Partially working
I talked tp a friend and something comes to my mind. Is it possible that the firewall is going nuts? Branch connects to RDP Server at HQ ... works perfectly. HQ connects to device in Branch ......
Forums/ Routers
2023-06-14 09:56:49
Multiple VLANs over Site2Site - Partially working
Hello everyone, im new to Omada SDN and strungling at the Site2Site VPN. Background: Small company. 1 HQ - Static IP - ER605 V2 - OC300 3 Branches - Dynamic IP (DynDNS over NO-IP) - ER605 V2 - Omada...